
"Gott Mit Uns."

The Advocate, if we may judge from Professor Meyer's outburst, has become the sinister agent behind new international bad blood. The Advocate recently held a small prize contest for undergraduate poets, which was won by a piece entitled "Gott Mit Uns." Professor Meyer, unfamiliar with conditions here, has hurriedly judged this poem to be a "violation of neutrality," and has taken it to be representative at once of the well-determined sentiments of the gentlemen who pronounced it good verse, of President Lowell, and of Harvard.

The Advocate selected "the war" as a fit subject for its contest doubtless because the war is at present a "live" topic, and one which might well summon the budding genius to his best. The judges, in picking out the prize poem, acted without reference to creed or country. Their business was simply to determine the best poem among the ten or fifteen submitted, judged as a poem. Because it was a good sonnet, and not because it was anti-German or anti-anything, "Gott Mit Uns" received the prize. "Dieu Avec Nous," written with equal skill, would have received equal honor.
