
Second Debating Trials for 1918

The second trials for the Freshman debating teams will be held in Harvard 6, this evening at 7 o'clock. The judges will be Mr. C. W. Chenoweth and H. Epstein '16, coach of the Freshman teams. Candidates must speak for ten minutes on either side of the question: "Resolved, That the Munroe Doctrine should be abolished." Candidates will speak in the following order: W. L. Prosser, H. S. Walker, M. L. Levine, E. G. Stanwood, E. Copeland, N. Muskin, A. J. Keele, W. S. Murphy, P. Benton, D. Davis, G. L. Howe, E. Weissbuch, C. Wyche, J. S. Dole, I. Brentano, J. Coggeshall, Jr., W. M. Silverman.
