
Annual Tri-Seminary Conference

The Tri-Seminary annual conference of eastern college men will be held this year at Hartford, Conn., from March 19 ta 21. These conferences are held successively from year to year, in Cambridge, New York, and Hartford. The one last year was held at New York, and more than 200 college men were present. An even larger attendance is anticipated this year.

The object of the conference, in brief, is to present the Gospel ministry as the supreme service for the man of today. A number of exceptionally brilliant speakers will address the conference and a very interesting program, beginning Friday evening and lasting until Sunday afternoon, has been prepared. Some of the speakers are: The Rov, Albert P. Eitch D.D., of Andover Theological Seminary; Robert E. Spear, D.D., Secretary of the Presbyterian Board of Foreign Missions; and John R. Mott, LL.D., general secretary of the World's Student Christian Federation.

The first meeting will be held at supper on Friday, March 19, and in order to be there for this first session Boston men should leave on the 4 o'clock train. All men who are intending to be present should send their names to J. C. Manry at the Phillips Brooks House by Tuesday, March 16. There will be ample time for men to return to Cambridge after the close of the conference Sunday evening.
