

Dramatic Club Needs Additional Candidates for Stage Lighting.

So far only four men have reported for electrical work on the Dramatic Club as opposed to seventeen candidates for the fall production. This showing is remarkably poor especially on the part of the Freshman class. The competition has been changed this spring so that the work is not so hard as formerly. All men with a knowledge of the elements of electrical connections stand a good chance of making the club, besides acquiring valuable information in regard to stage lighting and practical electricity. The candidates will receive a thorough training in the manual work of stage-lighting, such as building bunch-lights, fires and other things connected with the work of a theatrical electrician. The importance of color and the various degrees of lights and shadows will also be taught. All members of the University interested in electricity are urged to come out for this competition. Candidates must report at Holworthy 22 on Monday evening at 7.15 o'clock.

Rehearsals for the spring production of the club will start on Monday afternoon in Holden Chapel and will continue with a double cast all week. At the end of the week the final cast will probably be picked. The assignments of the various parts and the times of rehearsals will appear in Monday's CRIMSON.
