

Practice to Begin Soon at Oakley.--Provisional Schedule Arranged.

The spring season of the golf team will get under way within the next week or two. A provisory schedule, including matches with Princeton, Pennsylvania, has been drawn up, and is awaiting ratification by the Athletic Committee.

Practice for the team will probably be held at the Oakley Country Club this year. Arrangements are being made with Oakley by which ten men, in addition to those already members, will be allowed to use the links. As soon as this point is definitely settled candidates for the team will be called out and trials held. This will probably be in a week or two.

Prospects for the team this year are good, especially for the spring matches. For these, of last year's team E. P. Allis '15, L. C. Canan '17, S. P. Griffiths '15, J. W. Hubbell '17 and J. G. Heyburn '16 will be available. Other promising men are, J. Hutchins '17, J. I. Wylde '17, G. M. Cook '16, C. S. Clark '16, F. R. Amory '17, H. Goodspeed '16, P. Simonds '16, W. F. Enright '16, P. Winsor '15, L. M. Lombard '17, G. Gwathmey '18, H. D. Bassett '18, and E. Holt '18. Freshmen will be eligible to play in the matches against country clubs, but in college matches only Seniors, Juniors, and Sophomores will be eligible.

Prospects for the intercollegiates next September are not so bright as for the season this spring. While the team will undoubtedly be better balanced than last year, when the team was runner-up in the championships, there is no one in sight to take the place of Allis, who won the individual championship last September.

The tentative schedule as made up by manager L. C. Canan '17, is the longest ever arranged for the teams. It also includes a match with Yale, the first that has ever been played in the spring.


The schedule follows:

April 14.--Woodland at Woodland.

April 17.--Princeton at Princeton.

April 19.--Pennsylvania at Philadelphia.

April 29.--Braeburn at Braeburn.

May 2-7.--University championships.

May 8.--Rhode Island State team at Providence.

May 15.--Fall River at Fall River.

May 22.--Williams at Springfield.

May 27.--Brookline C. C. at Brookline.

May 29.--Yale at Providence.
