

Blue-Book Closes Tonight at 6 for Matches to Pick University Team.

Entries for the University tennis team trials will close this evening at 6 o'clock when the blue book at Leavitt & Peirce's will be removed. The drawings will be posted at Jarvis Field and the schedule of matches will appear in the CRIMSON tomorrow. Since the method of choosing the players will be somewhat different and the series of matches will be much longer than in past years, no entries can be accepted after today.

The Freshman trials will begin next Monday and all entries must be sent to Acting-Captain H. G. M. Kelleher '18, James Smith C 31, by Friday evening. A squad of seven men will be chosen by means of an elimination tournament Freshman tennis manager candidates will be called out Friday. This will be the last athletic managership open to Freshmen. The candidates will have charge of the interdormitory tournament and the manager will be chosen in May.
