

Candidates for Business End of Crimson Should Report at 1.45 o'clock.

More candidates are wanted for the Freshman competition for the CRIMSON. This is the first year that an opportunity has been offered to Freshmen to make the business end of the paper due to the prospect of a new CRIMSON building with the consequent enlargement of the responsibilities of the business managers. The work consists largely of soliciting advertisements and offers an invaluable business experience. One man will be taken on this spring, assuming the duties of an assistant manager next year. The competition will close before the beginning of the final examinations.

An opportunity of this kind merits the hearty support of the Freshman class. A meeting of all new candidates will take place in the CRIMSON Office in the basement of the Union today at 1.45 o'clock. Men reporting at this time will not be handicapped, and no previous experience is necessary.
