


The second annual intercollegiate glee club meet will be held in Carnegie Hall, New York, tonight at 8 o'clock. The University Glee Club will compete with Columbia, Dartmouth, and Pennsylvania for the possession of the silver trophy presented by the University Glee Club of New York. The trophy is to be competed for annually until one club has won it three times, when it will become the permanent property of that club.

An unusually interesting program has been arranged this year. Each of the competing clubs will render three songs of different character, on which the judges will base their decision. In addition to these glee club numbers there will be five numbers which have nothing to do with the competitive side of the contest. Dr. A. T. Davison, Jr., '06, will open the program with two organ pieces, a Prelude by Karg-Elert and a Toccato by Boellmann. C. G. Griffith, a violinist of exceptional ability who is a member of the Dartmouth Mandolin Club, will play a Parsifal-Paraphrase. The popular parody "My Cousin Caruse" will be given for the first time in New York by A. F. Pickernell '14, last year leader of the University Glee Club, and J. R. O. Perkins '14, who upheld the popular end of the program on the recent western trip. The University Glee Club of New York, a choral organization of college graduates, will also render three pieces. The closing number will be Bullard's "Stein Song" by the two hundred voices of all the clubs combined. This piece was so impressive and achieved such favorable comment last year that it has been decided to repeat it this year.

The Glee Club, accompanied by Managers F. Graves '15 and D. H. Ingram '16, will leave South Station in a special coach this afternoon at 1.03 o'clock. The men will have dinner on the train and will dress at the Harvard Club after their arrival in New York. After the concert a smoker will be given by the University Glee Club of New York in their rooms for all the visiting college men.

At the last rehearsal for the meet in New York were President and Mrs. Lowell and Professor Spalding of the music department. Both President Lowell and Professor Spalding spoke on the importance of such a meet and the interest it creates in the glee club.

The following members of the University Glee Club will take the trip today: accompanist--M. F. Hall '15; first tenors--F. W. Capper '15, O. C. Kirkpatrick '17, N. H. Partridge, Jr., '17, W. Perrott uC., W. F. Roope '16; A. R. Simms '17; second tenors--R. H. Allen 1G.B., E. C. Bennett '18, P. Blackmur '15, F. H. Cabot, Jr., '17, E. O. Holmes, Jr., 1G., B. H. Poucher '16, W. L. Robinson '16; first basses--W. J. Bingham '16, R. M. Cook '17, S. P. Griffitts '15, C. H. Hodges, Jr., '17, V. B. Kellett '18, A. S. Peabody '16, J. H. Townsend '17; second basses--J. B. Camp '15, G. W. B. Hartwell '17, R. D. Longyear '18, A. Putnam '18, T. W. Swett '15, N. L. Tibbetts '15, I. U. Townsend, Jr., '15.


Concert at Haverhill.

The University Musical Clubs will give a concert in the High School Hall, Haverhill, on Friday evening, March 5, at 8 o'clock, under the auspices of the Harvard Club of Haverhill. The fifty-two members of the clubs will be entertained at a dance following the concert, and will remain in homes in Haverhill over night, returning to Cambridge early Saturday morning. Tickets for the concert at 75 cents each can now be obtained from D. H. Ingram '16, 58 Mt. Auburn street
