

REeorganized Coaching Staff Preparing for Remaining Games.

The Yale football squad has just passed through the most strenuous week of the season, beginning on Monday with the reorganization of the coaching system and ending up on Saturday with a 3 to 0 defeat at the hands of Brown, which showed nevertheless an improved team and a marked change in spirit.

On Monday the first six of the graduate coaches arrived, including John Kilpartrick, the all-American end of 1910, and Howard Jones of the 1906 team. The practice consisted entirely of individual work, the squad being drilled in fundamentals.

Tom Shevlin arrived on Tuesday and virtually took charge of the Squad, Hinkey devoting himself chiefly to the ends. Individual work was continued for half the afternoon, and then the first squad was drilled in offensive and defensive work.

Tuesday evening was marked by the largest impromptu football parade which has been held for many years. Over 2.500 men were in line, and they were headed by the cheer leaders and a band. Red torches were lighted before the parade halted in front of the gymnasium. Captain Wilson and Coach Sheviln spoke amid what the Yale News called "the most tremendous enthusiasm show in years.

The first part of Wednesday's practice was individual work, while during the last hour the university team scrimmaged with the freshmen. On the same day announcement was made of the appointment of an athletic committee to take up the mater of eligibility rules with Harvard and Princeton.


Thursday's practice was about the same as that of the previous day although less emphasis was laid on individual work.

J. w. Field, captain of the 1910 team, addressed a huge mass meeting on Friday night. Four new songs were practiced in preparation for coming games.
