

Granville Barker to Lecture on Drama in Emerson D. Tonight at 8 o'clock.

Granville Barker, the English playwright and manager, will speak on "Ideas in the Theatre" in Emerson D this evening at 8 o'clock. Mr. Barker, who is known to all members of the University as the producer of the Greek plays which were given in the Stadium last spring, comes tonight at the joint invitation of the departments of English of Classics. This will be the only lecture open to there public which he will give in Boston this whether.

Besides his work in interpreting the Greek drama Mr. Barker has been very active in the staging of modern plays. In George Bernard Show he has found a kindred spirt it, both agreeing on freedom from conventionality and established dramatic from in the production of the present-day play. The staging of "Androgens and the Lion," which recently completed its engagement in Boston, is an example of Mr. Barker's conception of modern stage craft.

Mr. Barker also believes that the the are should be a community product, and that as such it is the highest expression of public emotion. He is not in favor of the single lead "star" system which tends to develop a one-sided drama. Nor does he approve of the long engagement as tending to destroy the art of the theatrical profession.

The meeting tonight is open to the public.
