

Unusually Long Schedule Arranged for University Team.

The gymnastic team will have an unusually long schedule this winter, including five exhibitions and five meets. Although W. Campbell '16, S. Hall '16, and D. Campbell '17 are the only members of last year's University team to return, there is much promising material from the class of 1918.

Following is a complete schedule, subect to the approval of the Athletic Committee.

December 18.--Novice meet.

January 8.--Exhibition at the Cambridge Y. M. C. A.

January 15.--Exhibition at the Watertown High School.


January 29.--Exhibition at Andover.

February 12.--Exhibition at the Boston Y. M. C. A.

February 26.--Exhibition at Exeter.

March 4.--Triangular meet with Dartmouth and Technology at Cambridge.

March 11.--Fourth annual intercollegiate meet at Cambridge (no Harvard men compete).

March 15.--Meet with Amherst at Cambridge.

March 18.--Meet with Brown at Providence.

March 25.--Intercollegiate meet (place undecided).

The triangular meet between Harvard, Dartmouth and Technology will be the first that has ever been held between these institutions.
