

Holds Top Place In Distribution of Students by States.

In the geographical distribution of the students in this year's enrolment in the University it is interesting to note that Massachusetts again leads the states, Canada the foreign countries, and Boston the cities, Every state in the Union is represented, as well as 22 foreign countries. There are, moreover, representatives from the Canal Zone, the Hawaiian Islands, and Porto Rico. The total enrolment in the University is 4,716, of which 15 are non-resident students in the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, as against last year's total of 4,407 with 24 non-resident students.

The comparative statistics of the ten leading follow:   1914  1915 Massachusetts,  1904  1865 New York,  423  454 Pennsylvania,  181  179 Ohio,  144  145 Illinois,  123  137 Maine,  95  86 New Jersey,  92  86 New Hampshire,  71  82 Connecticut,  73  68 Rhode Island,  65  67

Canada Tops Foreign Countries.

Following are the ten best foreign countries:   1914  1915 Canada  37  37 China,  18  22 Japan,  9  10 England,  6  6 Turkey,  4  6 Greece,  1  3 India,  4  3 Denmark,  0  2 Germany,  3  2 South Africa,  6  2

Boston Best Among Cities


The 15 cities that show the highest number of students are as follows:   1914  1915 Boston,  248  306 Cambridge  262  254 New York,  181  187 Brookline,  114  127 Dorchester,  83  83 Chicago,  58  66 Roxbury,  44  46 Brooklyn,  46  44 Worcester,  39  39 Somerville,  47  39 Pittsburgh,  32  36 Cleveland,  38  34 Providence,  36  28 Fall River,  23  28 Philadelphia,  33  26
