

Harvard, Yale, and Princeton Lead in Representation of Over One Hundred Colleges.

The Law School this year includes representatives from 144 colleges and universities; with the exception of six men all students registered are college graduates. The year's registration for the whole school in 787, which is well above last year's mark of 730, although it fails to approach the record of 808 made in 1911-12. The first class numbers 308, which is 20 more than last year; in the second-year class there are 226, a gain of 29 over last season; and 197 in the graduating class as against 167 last year. The graduate students, studying for the advanced degree of doctor of jurisprudence, number 8; and there are besides 67 unclassified students and one special. One interesting fact brought out by the figures is that this year's graduating class contains the same number of student's as last year's second-year class.

The University, as usual, has the largest representation, with yale and Princeton next. Following are the complete figures of all colleges and universities with 10 or more men, together with last year's figures, for the same institutions.   1914  1915 Harvard,  168  219 Yale,  64  72 Princeton,  54  72 Dartmouth,  31  35 Williams,  25  23 Brown,  14  18 Minnesota,  7  13 Wisconsin,  12  12 Amherst,  13  10 California,  13  10 Missouri,  7  10
