
Crimson Calendar

All notices for the weekly CRIMSON Calendar must be placed in the notice box in the CRIMSON Office on Friday before 5 o'clock, marked "For the CRIMSON Calendar."

Monday, November 22.

2.00.--Board of Overseers, meeting in University Hall.

4.30.--Lecture, "Les Agitations Averoistes," by Professor M. De Wulf, in Emerson D.

5.00.--Physical Colloquium. "The Study of Galvanometers at the Bureau of Standards, by Mr. E. E. Weibel, in the Jefferson Physical Laboratory, Room 25.


7.30.--Seminary of Economics. "American Apprenticeship and Industrial Education." by Mr. P. H. Douglas, in Widener V.

Tuesday, November 23.

8.00.--"Damaged Goods," in the Union.

8.15.--Organ Recital by Dr. A. T. Davison '06, assisted by Miss Anne Gardner, in Andover Chapel.

Wednesday, November 24.

3.00.--Soccer vs. Cornell at Soldiers Field.

8.00.--Musical Clubs concert at Winchester.

Thursday, November 25.

Thanksgiving Day. A holiday in all Departments of the University.

8.45.--Morning service open to the public. Conducted by the Rev. Paul Revere Frothingham '86, Appleton Chapel.

Friday, November 26.

3.30.--Romance Seminary. Meeting in Widener Y.

4.00-6.00.-- University Tea, Phillips Brooks House.

4.30.--"Recent Reforms in Sing Sing Prison," by Mr. Thomas Mott Osborne '84, under the auspices of the Divinity Club in Emerson D.

4.55.--Zoological Club. "Collecting in Newfoundland," by Mr. G. K. Noble, in the Zoological Laboratory, Room 46.

7.30.--Physical Conference. "The Physics of Crystals." VII, Professor P. W. Bridgman, in the Jefferson Physical Laboratory, Room 3.

Saturday, November 27.

3.00.--Soccer vs. Middlesex, at Concord.
