

University Will Face Blue Eleven Tomorrow.--Princeton Series to be Played Again.

The Yale association football team, which will play the University eleven on Soldiers Field tomorrow afternoon, arrives this evening, 14 players together with manager Robbins making the trip. The men will stay in Cambridge and eat at the Varsity Club.

Both teams have had fairly successful seasons, each having won about half of their games. Yale beat Cornell 2 to 1, tied Princeton, but lost to the Springfield Y. M. C. A. by a score of 5 to 2. The University, on the other hand, shut out Springfield 4 to 0, but was defeated by Princeton 3 to 0. The Princeton team that won from the University was far stronger, however, than the aggregation Yale faced, as the Tiger forward line was weakened in the latter contest by the loss of three of its best players. The University team has scored victories over Prospect Union and Andover and has lost to the General Electric Company and Columbia. Captain Weld, Emmons and Wood have starred for the University this season.

Through an oversight in her soccer games with Cornell and Harvard, Princeton played three men who were ineligible for the team. This necessitates that the games be played over again, and the game with the University will probably be played at Soldiers Field on November 27. All the teams now stand within half a game of each other.
