

Defeated Brown Substitutes Yesterday In Game Featured by Forward Passing.

By shutting out Brown 2d, 14 to 0, on Soldiers Field yesterday, the second team brought a most successful season to a close. In all its five games the team has not been scored on, Groton, the Technology freshmen and the Princeton seconds, being shut out and Dean held to a scoreless tie. Yesterday's contest was marked by the same steady work which has characterized the team's play all season. The touchdowns were both made in the first half, one by Murray and the second by Appleton. Murray's score came after a series of gains through tackle and on short end runs. Murray punted out and then kicked the goal. Appleton's touchdown came after a 25-yard run through the whole opposing team. Minot kicked the goal.

In the second half the scrubs came near scoring twice, forcing the ball right up to the Brown goal-line but both times losing the ball on a fumble. The second team was particularly successful in the use of the forward pass, attempting six, five of which were completd and netted a total of eighty yards. The Brown team also tried the passing game but without success. However, the one pass that did work gained forty-five yards, the runner clearing all the Harvard team with the exception of Murray.

The second team will keep in training to be able to scrimmage the University until the banquet to be held in Boston next Thursday evening.

The two teams lined up as follows: HARVARD 2D.  BROWN 2D. Brown, l.e.  r.e., McSweeney Morgan, Leighton, l.t.  r.t., Lewis Lancaster, l.g.  r.g., Coleman Day, c.  c., Fortman Dean, r.g.  l.g., Abbott Dewart, r.t.  I.t., Marshall Campbell, Farrington, r.e.  l.e., Chaplin Murray, Gardner, q.b.  q.b., Huggins Minot, l.h.b.  r.h.b., Murphy Gersumky, Johnson, r.h.b.  l.h.b., Casper Appleton, f.b.  f.b., Chase

Score--Harvard 2d, 14; Brown 2d, 0. Touchdowns--Murray, Appleton. Goals from touchdown--Murray, Minot. Referee--McGrath. Umpire -- Cannell. Headlinesman--Pishon. Time of game--two 12 and two 15-minutes periods.
