

Single Scull and Comp Contests on Program.--Double Sculls Will Compete Tomorrow.

Two races will be held this afternoon over the mile course in the Charles River Basin from the Cottage Farm Bridge to the Harvard Bridge. The single scull race is scheduled to start at 4 o'clock and the comp race at 4.20 o'clock. Any men not on the starting line ready to row at the scheduled time will be disqualified. More contestants are needed to compete in the comp race. New entries should report at the starting line at the hour given above. Coach R. F. Herrick '90, has consented to act as referee. The single scull race is for the Regent's Cup, presented by E. D. Brandegee '81 and is open to undergraduates only. In the comp race all members of the University may compete. The races will be started promptly and to insure reaching the start in time fully 30 minutes from the boat house should be allowed. All participants are required to have attained a satisfactory grade in their strength tests and to be in good standing with the University Office.

Tomorrow the double scull race will be rowed at 4 o'clock.

Below is the revised list of entrants in the comp race. C. R. Cabot '17, W. Chanler '19, H. A. Scranton '16, H. Shepard '19, S. A. Wilkinson '19.

The entries in the scull races are as follows:

Single scull.--N. P. Darling '17, C. C. Lund '16, H. S. Middendorf '16, W. L. Robinson '16, M. F. Talbot '16.


Double scull.--C. C. Lund '16 and J. C. White '17, N. P. Darling '17 and G. M. Talbot '16, W. L. Robinson and B. Carpenter '16, R. H. Kissel '19 and W. A. Flagg '19.
