

Changed Line-up to Represent Yale Against Lehigh While Princeton is opposed by Syracuse--Cornell-Williams Contest Will Follow Dedication of New Field.

Today's Principal Contests.

Harvard vs. Carlisle.

Yale vs. Lehigh.

Princeton vs. Syracuse.

Cornell vs. Williams.


Virginia vs. Richmond.

Brown vs. Amherst.

Pennsylvania vs. Penn. State.

Dartmouth vs. Tufts.

Army vs. Gettysburg.

Navy vs. Pittsburgh.

Michigan vs. Mt. Union.

Western Conference Games

Illinois vs. Colorado School of Mines.

Chicago vs. Northwestern.

Wisconsin vs. Marquette.

Minnesota vs. Iowa State.

Purdue vs. Beloit.

Ohio State vs. Case.

In view of last Saturday's football upsets, greater interest than usual will be taken in the games this afternoon. Of the University's chief opponents Yale seems to have drawn the easiest assignment, for the Lehigh team is not expected to furnish any opposition equal to that of Virginia last week. Princeton faces Syracuse, a team which lost to the Tigers last year by the close score of 12 to 7. Cornell dedicates its new field and has Williams for its opponent.

Wilson Out of Yale Line-up.

Yale will have to play much better football than was shown against Virginia, if Lehigh is to be easily defeated. Captain Wilson will probably not start the game as he was overstrained in last week's encounter, and has been doing the lightest sort of work since then. Legore will also still be kept out of the game. His shoulder is still weak and the coaches are unwilling to take any chances with him. However this is offset by the return of Black and Betts, both line-men. The former was the Captain and star of last year's freshman eleven. Only recently have they been able to remove their scholastic conditions. Great progress has been made in every department the last week. In the Lehigh game last year Yale worked the passing game most successfully, running up 21 points entirely by this method.

Syracuse Has Strong Team.

In Syracuse Princeton has an opponent which she should have no little trouble in beating, although Syracuse, despite having one of the heaviest lines in the East, does not seem to have developed much scoring ability, being able to get only six points against the comparatively weak Bucknell eleven last week. In Glick Princeton has an excellent general and a good man both in running with the ball and also in the interference. As a punter Driggs, is far ahead of the Syracuse kickers. The Princeton line has suffered so far through lack of coaching, but this ought to improve now that Cooney has returned to take care of that department of the game. On the whole, the backfield, composed of Captain Glick, Driggs, Tibbott, and Shea, has proved to be a fast offensive combination.

New Field at Cornell.

This is a feature day at Ithaca, as it is the occasion of the dedication of the new Schoellkoff Field. The ceremonies will immediately precede the game with Williams. Cornell has heavy team and the coaches expect much of it, though it has shown but little speed. Williams comes with an entirely different team from that which was beaten last week, with the result that little can be said as to its strength.

Virginia Has Easy Game.

The other three teams on the University Schedule draw strong opponents for today with the exception of Virginia, which will meet the Richmond eleven at Charlottesville, Va. This contest was chosen as the most suitable to come between the contests with Harvard and Yale. The first real test for Penn. State will come today when that eleven faces the University of Pennsylvania. The latter, on early season records, should succeed in winning. Brown faces Amherst in what should prove a close game, for last year's contest resulted in a 0 to 0 tie.
