
Scholarship Examinations Today

The qualifying examinations for the Rhodes scholarships will be held in Room 208 of the Administration Building of the Medical School, today and tomorrow. All candidates for the scholarships intending to take these examinations must pay the supervising examiner a fee of $5 today. This fee is necessary in order to meet the local expenses of examination and selection.

The examinations cover the following subjects: Arithmetic; either the elements of Algebra or Geometry; Greek and Latin grammar; translation from English into Latin; either unprepared translation from Greek and Latin or unprepared translation from one of these languages and a book in the other or one Greek and Latin book chosen from a given list.

The examinations will take place at the following hours:

Tommorrow.-9 to 11, translation of Latin into English; 1 to 3, Latin prose; 4 to 6, arithmetic.

Tommorrow.-9 to 11, translation of Greek into English; 1 to 2, Latin grammar; 2.10 to 3.10, Greek grammar; 4 to 6, Algebra or Geometry.
