

Interdormitory and Annual Upperclass Meet Will Be Held Next Monday.

The fall track practice for this year will be brought to a close by a set of games scheduled for next Monday at 3.30 o'clock in the Stadium. These games will combine the Freshman interdormitory meet and the usual fall handicap games. There will be six running events and five field events. The handicap events will be open to members from the three upper classes only.

In the Freshman meet, places will count five, three, and one respectively, while any dormitory having three men in one event will score an extra point in that event. The dormitory winning the largest number of points will hold the Graduates' Cup until the spring interdormitory meet. Gore Hall holds the cup at present, having won it from Smith at last spring's meet. Freshmen not residing in the dormitories will compete for Standish. The following have been appointed captains of the dormitory teams: Gore, L. Jackson; Standish, C. W. Cook; Smith, M. A. Shattuck.

Entries Close Friday.

For the Freshman meet, entry books have been placed in the dormitories, and for the handicap events, in the Locker Building, Leavitt & Peirce's, and the Union. Entries close at 12 o'clock on Friday. All men must take strength tests, times for which will be announced in the CRIMSON.

The field events will be the five customary ones but the Freshmen will throw a twelve-pound hammer. On the track there will be no 220-yard dash or 220-yard hurdle race. The Freshmen will run a 120-yard low hurdle race instead of a high hurdle race. The other events will be the same as usual except that a three-mile run will be substituted for a two-mile run. This is designed to make the cross-country teams' practice a feature of the games. The order and times of events will be announced later.
