

University Press Has Recently Issued Several Books of Considerable Interest.

The University Press has recently published "A Bibliography of Municipal Government" by Professor William Bennett Munro '99 G. As this book is the only one in its field published since 1901, and the books on this science have greatly increased since this date, Professor Munro's work is of singular importance.

Among other of the summer publications of the Press is the "Report of the Expedition of the Harvard School of Tropical Medicine in South America," which is the first study of the kind, and will probably have an important effect on preventive medicine in South America. This work is compiled by Professor Richard P. Strong of the Medical School, who was the head of the recent expedition which was instrumental in stamping out the epidemic of typhus in Servia last spring.

In the Harvard Historical Series Professor C. H. McIlwain '03 G. has published a reprint of the Indian Records of New York State. When the Capitol at Albany was burned, Professor McIlwain's transcript of the records was the only copy in existence.

Professor H. L. Gray's "English Field System's" traces the gradual development of the English land system from its beginnings, and sheds light on several important questions.

"The Evolution of the English Corn Market, from the Twelfth to the Eighteenth Centuries," by Professor N. S. B. Gras '09 G., of Clark University, who is lecturing at the University this year, adds an important volume to the Harvard Economic Studies.


The Press has also printed the address of Senator Henry Cabot Lodge '71 at the opening of the Widener Library last June.

"Some Problems in Market Distribution," by A. W. Shaw, Instructor in the Business School, is an attempt to apply principles similar to those of "scientific management" in business to the problems of selling.
