

Committee on Norton Fellowship Announces Rules for Competition

The committee in charge of the competition for the Charles Eliot Norton Fellowship announces the following rules and regulations which will govern the competition for the year 1916-1917.

The Fellowship, which carries an annual income of $800 and is open to undergraduates and graduates of the University and of Radcliffe College, was established by James Loeb '88 as an expression of his respect for Professor Norton's and in recognition of Professor Norton's eminent services to Classical Archaeology.

The award will be made on the basis of a thesis on a subject approved by the Department of Classics, and of such evidence of scholarship as may be accessible. In special circumstances the committee may, at its discretion, dispense with the requirements of a thesis. In the award no account is to be taken of the financial means of the competitor; and no award will be made in case the theses offered are not of sufficient merit. Applications for admission to candidacy must be made to the Chairman of the Department of Classics not later than December 1, 1915, and the theses of approved candidates must be presented to the Chairman not later that February 15, 1916. The winner of the fellowship must agree to pursue his studies for the year of his incumbency at the American School of Classical Studies as Athens. The following subjects for theses have been proposed by the committee; candidates may, however, with the consent of the committee, write on other classical subjects.

The Expression of Pathos in Homer.

The Ritual Hymns of the Greeks.


Romanticism in Greek Lyric Poetry.

The Drawing of Character in Aeschylus.

The Role of Confidant in Greek Tragedy.

Aristophanes as a Historian.

Aristophanes and Ben Jonson.

Greek Conservatism as illustrated by Comedy.

The Ideas of the Fourth Century as expressed by Isocrates.

Demosthenes and Burke.

The Influence of Anacreon on Modern Poetry.

Oriental influence in the Art of the Sixth Century.

Bacchantes in Greek Art.

Mutual Benefit Associations in Antiquity.

Ancient and Modern Conceptions of Prometheus.
