

Registration for State and City Elections Closes This Evening.

Registration for all members of the University who are eligible to vote at the state elections, to be held on November 2, will close tonight at the City Building, Central square, at 10 o'clock. Voters may register any time today, between 9 o'clock in the morning and 10 o'clock tonight.

All members of the University are eligible to vote at the state elections, provided they are 21 years of age, and have been in the University for one year or more. The students of a university need not be self-supporting to register.

The Department of Government of the University has arranged to have a lawyer at the City Hall and Central Square Police Station. There will also be two registered voters, from wards 8 and 9, to appear as witnesses for men who wish to register.

Before registering, men should go to the City Hall to the office of the Assessor, to be assessed for a poll tax.
