
Cercle Announces Bill of Three One-Act Plays

The annual play given by the Cercle Francais will be produced this year on December 7. A bill of three one-act plays will be presented: "L'Intruse" of Maeterlinck, one of Brieux's comedies, "L'Ecole des Belles Meres," and a farce by Moineau, "Les Deux Sourds." The proceeds will go as they did last year to the French Red Cross. The production is considerably more difficult than anything attempted in recent years.

There will be an open meeting of the Cercle in Grays 19 on Wednesday at 7.30 o'clock, to which anyone who speaks French is invited and anyone interested in the producing of plays. The coach will be present to try out candidates for parts. As was the case last year, the Cercle Francais of Radcliffe will cooperate in the production which will probably take place in Agassiz House.
