

"International Arbitration" Subject of Contest Open to All Undergraduates.

The Lake Mohonk Conference on International Arbitration offers its annual prize of $100 for the best essay on "International Arbitration" by an undergraduate man student of any college or university in the United States or Canada. The donor of the prize is C. P. Pugsley '09. The judges will be John Bassett Moore, LL.D., Professor of International Law and Diplomacy, Columbia University; Rear Admiral French E. Chadwick, United States Navy, retired; William I. Hull, Ph.D., Professor of History and International Relations, Swarthmore College.

Essays must not exceed 5,000 words (a length of 3,000 words is suggested as desirable) and must be written, preferably in typewriting, on one side only of plain paper of ordinary letter size (8 by 10 1-2 inches). Manuscripts not easily legible will not be considered.

Each essay should bear a nom de plume or arbitrary sign which should be included in an accompanying letter giving the writer's real name, college, class and home address. Both letter and essay should reach H. C. Phillips, Secretary Lake Mohonk Conference (address, until December 1, 1915, Mohonk Lake, N. Y.; December 1, 1915, to April 1, 1916, 3531 Fourteenth Street, N. W., Washington, D. C.), not later than March 15, 1916. Essays should be mailed flat (not rolled).

The award of the prize will be made at the Lake Mohonk Conference in May, 1916, to which the winner will be invited.
