

Whereabouts of Seven Working in Different Theatres of War.

The following Harvard men who are at present at work in the European war zone, have recently been heard from:

John F. Bass '91, staff correspondent of the Chicago Daily News with the Russian army at Warsaw, was wounded in the face, early this month, by an explosion of German shrapnel, while returning from the trenches. Information has been cabled that his injuries are not serious.

D. D. L. McGrew '03 sailed from New York on January 16 to join the motor service of the American Ambulance Hospital in Paris.

George S. Jackson '05 has joined the American Committee for Relief in Belgium, and is now in Liege.

Harry G. Byng '14, formerly captain of the University association football team, is serving as a private in the 28th City of London Regiment with the British Expeditionary Force in France. He is on the firing line, and has been offered a commission.


Fritz Daur '14, of Korntal, Wurttemberg, who was last year a graduate student in the Divinity School, receiving his S.T.M. at Commencement, is reported to have died in an army hospital at Courtrai, West Flanders, on November 20, 1914, of wounds received in battle.

L. Robert Fellmann G.S. '13-'14, is supervising officer in charge of the manufacture of artillery at Etablissements Singrun, Epinal, France.

Vernon Shaw-Kennedy, Jr., '16, is serving as a lieutenant in the Royal Scots Fusiliers.
