

Request for Invitations to Junior Dance Due Saturday.

In order to accommodate to members of the class of 1916 who have petitioned for an extention of the time within which Juniors must hand in their applications for invitations to the Junior Dance, the committee has decided to wait until Saturday before closing these applications finally. Every Junior, whether he expects to accompany a lady or come alone, must hand in his application for invitations before Saturday. Cards filled out as designated must be mailed with checks to E. H. Foreman '16, Harvard Union.

This extension of time has nothing to do with the applications for boxes at the dance. The application for invitations will entitle the applicant to have an invitation sent to the lady he brings; he will also receive a dance card and a ticket if his name is on the invitation list.

Every member of 1916 is urged to comply with the committee's request in regard to applying before Saturday. The sooner the cards are handed in the better; for it will take some time to file and check the large number of applications, mail invitations, and distribute dance cards and tickets. The invitation committee will hold office hours in the Union at an early date, the exact time to be announced later.
