

Today every member of the Junior class will receive an announcement of the details for the 1916 Junior Dance to be held in the Union next month. As the customary social event of the year this gathering demands for its success the united support of the class, and there is opportunity for each individual to back the dance loyally. Although membership in the Union is a requisite of doubtful wisdom in such a class affair, the fact remains that those in charge have seen fit to require those who attend to join the Union. There is no reason, indeed, why payment of the Union initiation fee should be considered as an additional expense of the dance; rather should the dance be considered as another benefit to be derived from the Union. At any rate, all members of 1916 desiring to attend should take this essential step immediately.

Inclosed in the circular sent out by the committee is a blank to be filled out. It will be small trouble and a big help if every man in the class will return these cards with the required information as soon as possible.

Many are looking forward to the production of Wagner's "Seigfried" in the Stadium. They can get good seats and help the management by getting in their ticket applications early.

The Francis Boott Prize, the competition for which is described in another column should attract a large number of compositions from the undergraduate and graduate musicians in the University.
