

Strong Finish in Second Period Brought Easy Victory to University Players by 8 to 1 Score.

The University hockey team overwhelmingly defeated the Cornell seven by the score 8 to 1 in the Arena last Saturday evening, in the first game of the Intercollegiate series. It was not until the second half that the University team struck its stride and all of the eight goals were scored in that period. For the first 20 minutes Cornell had distinctly the better of the contest and her single goal looked formidable at the end of the half. But in the second period the University players showed better team-work than ever before, their stick-work had improved and their passing and shooting were fairly accurate. Cornell's defense was totally unable to cope with the University line when playing at its best, and the scoring, after it began, was done pretty much at will.

The game opened slowly. The shooting and stick-work of both sides was noticeably poor and team-play was absolutely lacking. Finally Barbour capt- ured the puck not far from the University's goal and with a long, quick shot that Wylde barely missed stopping, scored for Cornell. Time, 8 minutes, 27 seconds. The remainder of the half was mostly an exhibition of the sterling defense work of Captain Claflin and Morgan, who repeatedly broke up the visitors' attack and on several occasions all but scored themselves. Toward the last the University showed occasional bursts of team-play, but were unable to score.

In the second period the University gave an exhibition of real hockey that swept Cornell off its feet. Morgan, took the puck from behind his own goal, escaped Cornell's line, eluded one of the defense men and checked the other and scored in 3 minutes, 23 seconds. A half a minute later Townsend received a pass from Baldwin after Phillips had gotten the puck within striking distance of the goal, and on a short quick shot scored the second tally for the University. Again Phillips carried the puck down the rink and passed to Townsend, who drove it past Beebe, time, 6 minutes, 40 seconds. Baldwin scored the fourth goal on a pass from Fisher. Shortly after this the second-string men were put in, but the scoring continued. Wanamaker on a pretty individual rush drew Beebe from the goal and scored. A minute later he snapped the puck in from a scrimmage. With less than two minutes left Fisher caged the puck on a pass from Baker and Bliss scored the final goal in the last second of play.

The University team demonstrated that it is a really strong aggregation when playing at the top of its game.

The summary:


UNIVERSITY.  CORNELL.Curtis, l.w.  r.w., BarbourTownsend, l.c.  r.c., BabbittPhillips, r.c.  l.c., KentBaldwin, r.w.  l.w., HardingClaflin, c.p.  c.p., HillMorgan, p.  p., HunterWylde, g.  g., Beeb
