
Registration Monday from 10 to 6

All students in the College and the Graduate Schools are required to register on Monday between 10 A. M. and 6 P. M. The places of registration are as follows: College Seniors, Harvard 5; College Juniors, Sever 11; College Sophomores, Harvard 6; College Freshmen, A to N inclusive, Emerson D, O to Z inclusive, Emerson J; College Special Students, Sever 6; College Unclassified Students, Sever 6; Candidates for Degrees Out of Course, Sever 6; Students in the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, University 24; Students in the Graduate Schools of Applied Sciences, University 16; Students in the Graduate School of Business Administration, University 17.

Every student in the College (except an Out of Course Student or a Special Student whose work for the whole academic year is to be less than two full courses) is required to pay to the Bursar on or before Monday $90 tuition and $4 infirmary fee; total $94. Every Out of Course Student or Special Student whose work amounts to less than two courses is required to pay at the same time his entire tuition for the year, plus the infirmary fee.

Each student whose dues to the University remain unpaid on the day fixed for their payment is required at once to cease attending lectures or recitations, using the libraries, laboratories, gymnasium, athletic grounds or buildings, boarding at the Dinning Halls, and making use of any other privileges as a student, until his financial relations with the University have been arranged satisfactorily to the Bursar.

A student who neither pays his dues nor makes arrangement with the Bursar for their postponement within three days after the date fixed for their payment, and who thereby loses his privileges but is shortly readmitted thereto, is required to pay a fee of ten dollars before resuming his standing in the University.

The holder of a scholarship or other form of beneficiary aid is required by the rules to sign a receipt at the Bursar's Office for each payment made. By applying at the Bursar's Office at the beginning of the academic year and signing a receipt, the holder of such aid may receive an advance on the stipend there of, which will be credited to him in payment of his tuition fee.
