
Train Service to Boat Race

The New York, New Haven, & Hartford R. R. has announced a special train service for those attending the Harvard Yale boat race at New London on June 19. An open special consisting of day coaches and parlor cars will leave South Station at 11.45 o'clock and Back Bay at 11.49 o'clock on Friday, the morning of the race, and will arrive at New London at 2.25 P. M. Another special is scheduled to leave the Grand Central Station. New York City, at 11.45 A. M., to leave New Haven at 1.45 P. M., and to arrive at New London at 2.55 o'clock. Both of these trains are due at New London in ample time for the University race, which will be started at 4.40 o'clock, but there will however be no Friday trains in time for the morning races between the Freshmen and the second crews.

Full details of the trip, including train service from New London to Boston and New York City, will be published later.
