

A great man has well said that one of the most pathetic things in life is the small amount of the experiences of one generation which can be communicated to the next so that it will profit by them. Certainly, however, 1914 has absorbed some wisdom from 1914's hard-earned stock. And now in its last days of infirmity, impoverished by innumerable class dues, 1914 seeks one day free from tumult and responsibility. As it is the duty of children to make glad the declining years of their parents, so should it be the pleasure of Freshmen to make possible a day of Senior picnicing at Peddock's Isle. So surely as the day will come when he shall beg for pennies, so surely let every generous, grateful Freshman come to the stands behind Memorial this noon with loose change and checkbooks in his pockets. But though, the amount of subsidiary coinage may well be large, the need of "plain clothes" men is small as the tossing down of his contributions should be the pride of every Freshman, so the wearing of his cap and gown should be the duty of every Senior.
