
Phillips Brooks House Notes

The Freshman Bible Class will meet in the Parlor of Phillips Brooks House this evening at 7 o'clock. W. W. Webster will lead the discussion on "Efficiency in the Use of Time." All Freshmen are cordially invited to join this class.

At the same hour the mission study class will meet in the Library. Dr. Raymond Calkins '90 will lead the discussion, taking as special topics chapters V, VI, and VII in Barton's "Educational Missions." All members of the University are invited.

Dr. John Howland, of Guadalajara, Mexico, will speak upon "The Religions of Mexico, Ancient and Modern" at the meeting of the class on "Mexico" in the Parlor tomorrow evening at 7 o'clock.

There will be a social service conference in Brooks House Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock The Social Service Secretary will be at his desk in Brooks House today, Wednesday, and Friday, between 11 and 1 o'clock; and tomorrow and Thursday between 8 and 11 o'clock in order to give full information to all men interested, whether they anticipate undertaking this work or not.
