


The annual Junior dance will be held in the Union this evening at 9 o'clock. Junior class members of the Union who have not yet applied and who may wish to attend the dance this evening may do so by paying an admission fee of $3.00 at the door. No cutting will be allowed until the encores. Each number will be divided into a four-minute dance, in which cutting will not be permitted, and an encore of equal length, in which cutting will be allowed. After each dance the ladies are to be taken to their respective boxes. Printed lists of the arrangement of the boxes and their occupants will be given out at the dance. Boxes A to D will be in the Card Room, E to J in the Reading Room, K to N in the Writing Room, O to T in the Dining Room, and U to V in the Hall.

Regarding Final Arrangements.

The chairmen of the boxes are reminded that they are personally to see to the arrangement of the furniture of their boxes. The removal of furniture from the Union is also entirely in the hands of the owners. It is absolutely essential that all such furniture be taken from the Union by 5 o'clock tomorrow.

The final arrangements are as follows: the Living Room of the Union will be closed until 8.30 o'clock this evening. The Periodical, Game, and Writing Rooms will be open between 12 and 6 o'clock for the furnishing of boxes only. The boxes in the Dining Room must be furnished between 2.30 and 5.30 o'clock. All furniture must be tagged with the owners name and address.

Hours of Luncheon and Dinner.


Lunch will be served today between 12 and 2 o'clock. Dinner will be served in the Ladies' Dining Room between 5.30 and 7 o'clock. After 7.30 o'clock dance tickets will be required for admission and must be presented at the ladies' entrance only.

The Committee and Patronesses.

The following members of the Junior class served on the Dance Committee: H. M. Atkinson, Jr., F. J. Bradlee, Jr., W. H. Claflin, Jr., H. De Ford, Jr., R. B. Frye, R. T. Gannett, H. R. Hardwick, B. Harwood, L. F. Hooper, H. A. Murray, Jr., B. Z. Nelson, W. C. Paine, P. L. Rabenold, E. Reynolds, W. T. S. Thorndike.

The patronesses for the dance are as follows: Mrs. E. F. Atkins, Mrs. F. J. Bradlee, Mrs. W. H. Claflin, Mrs. R. S. Codman, Mrs. J. W. Courtney, Mrs. H. De Ford, Mrs. S. H. Fessenden, Mrs. K. Francke, Mrs. J. J. Greenough, Mrs. C. T. Hardwick, Mrs. S. Harwood, Mrs. A. Hemenway, Mrs. J. H. Hutchins, Mrs. W. S. H. Lothrop, Mrs. A. L. Lowell, Mrs. G. S. Mumford, Mrs. C. P. Parker, Mrs. E. Reynolds, Mrs. R. S. Russell, Mrs. P. Thorndike, Mrs. W. H. Trumbull, Mrs. E. S. Webster, Mrs. R. D. Weston, Mrs. W. F. Wharton.

Occupants of the Boxes.


B. P. Whitney (chairman) and Miss Henderson, F. S. Bacon and Miss Rane, J. C. Bennett and Miss Sands, F. B. Davis and Miss Davis, H. H. Edgerton and Miss Scudder, W. P. Fay and Miss Dart, J. W. McLaugher and Miss Raymond.


M. F. Hall (chairman) and Miss von. Horn, T. C. Browne and Miss Billings, F. H. Evans and Miss Helberg, J. Gregg and Miss Lyon, H. H. Halsell and Miss Logan, T. K. Meloy and Miss Preston, T. W. Swett and Miss Simmons, C. T. Vaughan and Miss McShane.

