

Defeated Princeton, Yale, and Dartmouth at New Haven Traps.

The University gun club won the intercollegiate shoot held at the Yale traps Saturday morning, with a score of 379 out of a possible 500. The Princeton team was second with 372. Yale third with 337, and Dartmouth fourth with 334. Each club was represented by a team of five men, each of whom had 100 shots. Johnson of Princeton was high gun with 83, F. de L. Cunningham '16 stood second with 81, and Barrell of Yale third with 80 birds.

The scores follow:

Harvard--Cunningham, 81; Ballou, 73; Metcalf, 79; Bullock, 69; Watson, 79. Total, 381.

Princeton--Horn, 76; Turner, 65; Johnson, 83; Reid, 71; Hewitt, 77. Total--372.

Yale--Barrell, 80; Cassell, 54; Bush, 00; Taylor, 66; Halstead, 77. Total--337.


Dartmouth--Foster, 63; Alexander, 68; Comstock, 65; Swanson, 68; Taft, 68. Total--332.
