

1915 Men Must Sign Contracts Now.--Lower Prices and Improvements in South Matthews.

The chairmen of the various groups allotted rooms in the Senior Dormitories should call at the Bursar's Office in Dane Hall as soon as possible for contracts of the rooms allotted them and after getting these contracts signed by the men in their groups should return them to the Bursar's Office.

Men from the class of 1915 who would still like to room in a Senior Dormitory with their classmates may apply for rooms in the south entry of Matthews Hall. Application blanks may be obtained at Leavitt & Peirce's, and at Brooks House. These applications are due at Brooks House by 6 o'clock, February 9. The prices of the rooms in Matthews have been lowered, and modern facilities, i.e., electric lights and new bathrooms, will be installed if enough Juniors apply. Almost enough men have already signified their intention of applying for these rooms to insure the improvements. Any further information may be obtained from C. F. Damon '15, 4 Hampden Hall.
