
Fact and Comment

The Princeton football schedule has recently been announced by Manager Froelick. It includes eight games, as did last year's, and every game except the Harvard contest will be played at Princeton.

Several radical changes have been made in the arrangements of the schedule. Two teams have been dropped entirely and two others have been shifted to earlier dates. Fordham, which was substituted for Lehigh last year, has been dropped and Lafayette put in its place. Holy Cross, which was dropped in 1912 after appearing in the 1911 schedule, is again omitted and this date will be taken by Williams. Bucknell has been shifted from the third to the second Saturday, and Syracuse from the fourth to the third. Despite Manager Froelick's efforts to the contrary, Harvard and Yale will be played on successive Saturdays.

The schedule follows: Sept. 26.--Rutgers at Princeton. Oct. 3.--Bucknell at Princeton. Oct. 10.--Syracuse at Princeton. Oct. 17.--Lafayette at Princeton. Oct. 24.--Dartmouth at Princeton. Oct. 31.--Williams at Princeton. Nov. 7.--Harvard at Cambridge. Nov. 14.--Yale at Princeton.

College Track Champions.

The following list of college track champions in 1913 has just been made by James E. Sullivan of the Amateur Athletic Union:


100-yard dash.-- J. E. Patterson, University of Pennsylvania.

220-yard dash.-- D. F. Lippincott, University of Pennsylvania.

440-yard run.--C. B. Haff, University of Michigan.

880-yard run.--G. E. Brown, Yale, University.

One-mile run.-- J. P. Jones, Cornell University.

Running broad jump.--D. Dawson, Stanford University.

Throwing 16-pound hammer.--Karl Shattuck, University of California.

120-yard hurdles.--F. W. Kelly, University of Southern California.

220-yard hurdles.--J. I. Wendell, Wesleyan University.

Running high jump.--Edward Beeson, University of California.

Pole-vault.--S. B. Wagoner, Yale University.

Two-mile run.--William McCurdy, University of Pennsylvania.

Putting 16-pound shot.--L. A. Whitney, Dartmouth College.

Cross-country.--R. St.B. Boyd, Harvard University.
