
Crimson Calendar

All notices for the weekly CRIMSON Calendar must be placed in the notice box in the CRIMSON Office on Fridays before 5 o'clock, marked "For the CRIMSON Calendar."

Sunday, June 15.

11.00--Morning service in Appleton Chapel conducted by the Rev. William J. Thompson, of Drew Theological Seminary, Madison, N. J.

12.30.--Exercises in Appleton Chapel for the members of the class of 1888, conducted by members of that class. Sermon by Rev. Herman Page of Chicago.

4.00.--President Lowell will deliver the Baccalaureate Sermon to the Seniors in Appleton Chapel. The class hymn, written by Daniel Sargent, of Wellesley, will be sung.


5.00-6.30.--Reception by President and Mrs. Lowell to the Seniors at their home, 17 Quincy street.

Monday, June 16, Phi Beta Kappa Day.

8.30.--Meeting of Faculty of Law in Langdell Hall.

9.45.--Business meeting of the Phi Beta Kappa Society in Harvard Hall.

11.00.--The corner-stone of the Harry E. Widener Memorial Library will be laid.

11.00.--Commencement exercises of Andover Theological Seminary in Andover Chapel.

11.30.--Procession of the members of Phi Beta Kappa will start for Sanders Theatre. The parade will be formed by classes, the oldest class leading.

11.45.--University meeting in Sanders Theatre. The President of the University will announce the award of academic prizes for the year 1912-13.

12.00.--Phi Beta Kappa exercises in Sanders Theatre. The oration and poem will be delivered, the oration by the Rev. Samuel McChord Crothers, S.T.D., '99, of Cambridge, and the poem by George Edward Woodberry '77, of Beverly. The Hon. Francis Joseph Swayze '79 Justice of the Supreme Court of New Jersey, and president of the Phi Beta Kappa, Society, will preside.

2.00.--Phi Beta Kappa dinner in the Union.
