
Another Summer Military Camp.


(We invite all men in the University to submit communications on subjects of timely interest, but assume no responsibility for sentiments expressed under this head.)

To the Editors of the CRIMSON:

Through your columns I should esteem it a favor to be allowed to communicate with any men in the University interested in a camping tour during the summer in connection with the Massachusetts Sea Coast Defence. The officers and men of the 3rd Company, Coast Artillery Corps, Massachusetts Volunteer Militia, desire to call attention to the opportunity of attending camp this summer on one of the islands situated in Boston Harbor, where instruction, practice and "service Firing" with ten and twelve inch disappearing guns is conducted. This camp affords an interesting experience of ten days duration, combining a short taste of outdoor military life with outdoor sports, such as baseball and swimming.

The United States War Department has recently offered to accept men from the University for a tour of duty at an infantry camp during a greater part of the summer. For many the latter is too long a period of time to allot to a proposition of this sort, whereas a shorter time might prove more convenient and desirable to them. The camp of the 3rd Company will be held this summer from July 10th to the 19th.

Further details will be furnished upon application to the undersigned, who will gladly explain the system of camp and preparations for the same. A personal call at the rooms of the 3rd Company. South Armory, Irvington Street, Boston any Wednesday evening during May and June between 7.30 and 9.30 will enable the applicant to inspect the facilities of the Corps and permit a personal explanation, though the subscriber will be glad to talk to anyone interested during the day at 15 Beacon street, Boston. C. H. FOOR, JR., '06.   Lieut 3rd Co., C. A. C. M. V. M.
