

Fielding and Battery Candidates Now Working in the Cage.

Practice for fielding candidates for the Freshman baseball team started yesterday afternoon in the Cage. Regular work was taken up at once, and prospects for the season appeared bright.

Forty-five men reported for the first work-out. The candidates were at once set to picking up grounders and throwing to bases, but no other work was attempted. The practice was in charge of Coach Sexton and H. E. Reeves '11. Reeves was catcher on the University team for two years, and will be the regular Freshman coach for the season. According to the plans of the coaches, the squad will work in the Cage until about the last of the month, when the team will start out-door practice on Soldiers Field. With the start yesterday and the promise of a strong team, the coaches expect to push the training steadily until the close of the season.

Battery Candidates.

The Freshman battery candidates, who have been at work in the Cage for three weeks, are well through the preliminary season of getting their arms in condition. Although Coach Sexton has not yet allowed the pitchers to use speed, the candidates are making good progress in rounding into form. Following are the 1916 battery candidates who are now working regularly: pitchers--H. G. Coolidge, A. Cunningham, G. A. McKinlock, W. Whitney; catchers--H. B. Bennison, C. S. Clark, C. H. Jameson, S. M. Richardson, T. H. Safford, R. L. Small.
