
Fourth Whiting Concert Tonight

The fourth concert of Mr. Arthur Whiting's series of Expositions of Chamber Music will be given in the New Lecture Hall this evening at 8.15 o'clock. There will be no charge for admission, and the lecture will be open only to officers and students of the University. The following program of planoforte music will be presented by Mr. Whiting:

Beethoven, Senatas, op. 27. No. 2.

Brahms, Intermezzo. A major, op. 118. Intermezzo, C major, op. 119. Rhapsodic, E-flat, op. 119.

Ravel, Valses nobles of sentiment.

Debussy, "La Soiree dans Grenade," Sarbande, Prelude.


Chopin, Nocturne, op. 21. No. 1. Mazurka, B-flat. Valse, C-sharp minor, Ballade, A-flat.
