
Soccer Team Beats Andover

Playing a greatly improved game, the University association football team defeated Andover yesterday afternoon by a score of 3 to 1. Andover did not score until near the close of the contest, when a long shot from the centre of the field went through the posts just as the whistle blew.

The University forwards played together much better than heretofore, while the defence was well nigh impregnable. Harvard's goals were made by Baker, Carnochan and Foster. Andover recently defeated Yale.

The University line-up: Nichols, g.; Moffat; l.f.b.; Kingman, r.f.b.; Fenn, l.h.b.; Francke, c.h.b.; Grant, r.h.b.; Weld, l.o.f.; Carnochan, l.i.f.; Baker, c.f.; Foster, r.i.f.; Smart, Hopkins, r.o.f.
