

Large Number Should Meet to Hear Speeches and Get Acquainted.

The Phillips Brooks House annual reception to all men entering the University this year will be held in Peabody Hall, Brooks House, tomorrow evening at 8 o'clock. The following men will give short addresses: Dr. A. P. Fitch '00; Professor C. T. Copeland; Arthur Beane '11, "Phillips Brooks House"; G. N. Phillips '13, "The Crimson"; R. C. Evarts '13, "The Lampoon"; E. D. Smith '13, "Scholarship"; A. G. Moffat '13, "The Musical Clubs"; and P. L. Wendell '13, "Athletics".

During the evening the University Glee Club Quartette will sing, and after the addresses, refreshments will be served in the lower rooms where a number of upper classmen will be present to introduce men to each other and lead in the singing of College songs.

As this is the first opportunity offered for Freshmen to come together socially and meet members of the upper classes, the attendance should be large.
