

Just now we are facing a critical problem in the baseball situation, a problem particularly emphasized by the last three defeats. The situation is by no means hopeless, as many undergraduates evidently believe, but it is one that requires the attention of every man interested in the development of a team that will win from Yale when the series is played in June. That the team has a great deal of latent ability has been made evident by the playing in earlier games, but that this ability is not being utilized was clearly shown by the contest on Saturday. Just what the trouble is must be determined by Coach Sexton and the men working under him, but we feel sure it is a problem that will be worked out thoroughly and well. Too much significance should not be attached to the batting averages printed in another column, for while not quite up to last year's standard at this time, they are considerably better than two years ago. The last two games have shown that the pitching staff is much improved and is worthy of the confidence of the whole team. We are sure that, as far as the team is concerned, there will be decided improvement in the next three weeks and that the nine will come to the Yale series in the best possible shape.

The undergraduate support of the team at this time is of the utmost importance. The enthusiasm displayed on Saturday showed improvement over that at previous games, but there is yet much to be desired. A large number of men left the cheering section in the eighth and ninth innings, although the University team was losing. Only by staying at the game until it is finished and by showing decidedly more enthusiasm can the student-body make the team feel sure of support, and unless such support is given the charge of indifference on the part of the undergraduates will be abundantly justified.
