

Account of His Life and Work Given Last Night by Dr. J. L. Levy.

Dr. J. L. Levy, of Pittsburgh, Pa., delivered last night the fourth in a series of lectures on "Representative Men of Israel"; taking as his special topic, "Jehudah Halevi, the Poet," under the auspices of the Menorah Society.

Jehudah Halevi was born in Spain in 1085 during the period of high Moorish civilization when that country was the only one in which the persecuted race was tolerated. There the Jews held the balance of power. Owing to this toleration he received an excellent education and became a cultured man. He was a physician and philosopher with a charming personality, thoroughly balanced poetic temperament, and a keen imagination. The suffering of his race during the crusades gave form and thought to his poetical power, and he was so impressed with the fact that the function of the Jew is primarily religions, that he became famous as a fervent interpreter of the prophets. He was an intense Zionist and was killed by an Arab in 1140 while trying to reach Jerusalem, the city which served as the object of his devotional poetry.
