

L. Nelson '00.

Louis Nelson '00 gave an instance of noble bravery in his death, which occurred on April 14. In the course of some medical investigations of the "gas" bacillus he became inoculated, about two months ago. Though attended by the best physicians, he grew worse steadily and died a martyr to the cause of experimental medicine.

Dr. Nelson was born in Boston in 1878 and after attending the Brimmer School and the English High School he entered the University. He was graduated from the College in 1900 and from the Medical School in 1904, taking his master's degree a year later. After studying in Germany he returned to Boston and took up his practice.

He became instructor in pharmacology at the Medical School and wrote several papers in English and German on bacteriological subjects. In entering on his research and experimentation regarding the "gas" bacillus he knew he was risking his life. But he cheerfully undertook this work for the benefit of humanity, and even after inoculation, enthusiastically studied the progress of the disease in his own body, thus adorning the history of medicine with one more instance of unselfish bravery.

T. J. Coolidge Jr., '84.


On April 15 Thomas Jefferson Coolidge, Jr., '84, one of the most prominent financiers of New England, died at his summer home at Manchester.

Mr. Coolidge was born in Boston on March 16, 1863. After a preparatory education of Noble's School he entered Harvard College, where he was prominent in social and athletic life. After graduation he went abroad for a year and then studied a year each in the Graduate School and in the Law School.

His active life was devoted to banking he organized when only twenty-seven the Old Colony Trust Company but he was a director of many public service corporations and had many civic interests. He was a member of the Board of Art Commissioners of Boston, a trustee of the Museum of Fine Arts, etc. In his earlier life he was an active member of the Democratic State Committee.
