

We cannot let the winter term go by without remarking on the unusually high level of the instructive entertainments which have been offered at the Union since last September, due in great measure to the efforts of the retiring vice-president.

The first lecture of the season, by the Hon. James A. Bryce on "Problems in the United States in 1870 and 1911," was an exceptional opportunity, as the audience of twelve hundred Union members conclusively proved. In November, followed an address by Booker T. Washington, and in December Dr. Grenfell's lecture on "Labrador". Later in the month, Mr. Underwood's illustrated talk, "Hunting with Canoo and Camera in New Brunswick" proved to be an example of the very best of its kind. Mr. William J. Burns need scarcely be mentioned to call to mind the enthusiastic crowd which greeted this presence in the Living Room. Nor should we fail to notice that three of the departments in which Harvard ranks high--medicine, the law, and engineering--have within a very few weeks been admirably discussed by Dr. Cabot, Dean Thayer, and Professor Dugald C. Jackson of Technology, respectively. When in addition, we remember three Pierian concerts and six readings by Professor Copeland, and when we realize that General Wood, Senator Lodge, and Dr. Van Dyke were scheduled, but unable to speak owing to unavoidable circumstances, we begin to appreciate what the 1912 Union management has accomplished for our general education.
