


The University baseball squad, leaving Cambridge yesterday afternoon, spent last night at Philadelphia, Pa. This morning they will go to Baltimore, Md., where they will play Johns Hopkins in the afternoon. Tomorrow will be spent in Washington, D.C., and on Monday and Tuesday afternoons games will be played with the Catholic University and Georgetown, in Georgetown, D. C. On Tuesday evening the squad will take a special car for Baltimore, where, on Wednesday afternoon, the team will play the Baltimore International League team. Thursday the squad will go to Annapolis, Md., for practice in the morning and a game with the Navy in the afternoon, and on Friday they will leave for New York where they play Columbia, after which game the squad will disband.

The following men were taken on the trip: R. C. Babson '12, J. C. P. Bartholf '13, I. C. Bolton '12, F. H. Clark '13, S. P. Clark '14, J. H. Coon '13, J. R. Desha '12, S. M. Felton 3rd., '13, H. T. Gibson '12, W. M. Haas '12, E. C. Hardy '13, H. R. Hitchcock, Jr, '14, J. A. Milholland '14, R. P. Osborn '14, R. S. Potter '12, H. E. Reeves '12, K. Reynolds '14, A. H. Tomes '13, R. B. Wigglesworth '12, D. J. P. Wingate '14, W. B. Young '12, Dr. Sexton, Managers Y. Arai '12, and F. W. Hubbell '13, and rubber Fallon.


The University lacrosse team will play the first game of its southern trip with Johns Hopkins at Baltimore this afternoon at 4 o'clock. Next Monday the team will go to College Park where it will meet the Maryland Agricultural College at 3 o'clock. After playing a game with Mr. Washington at Mr. Washington next Wednesday, the squad will disband for the rest of recess.

In addition to fifteen players, Coach Warwick and managers S. S. Kingman '12 and W. W. Davies '14, will make the trip.


The probable line-up for the game with Johns Hopkins will be as follows: Lincoln, g., Simmons, p., Hodgdon, c.p., Hale, 1d., Boyd, 2d., White, 3d., Foristall, c., Gustafson, 3a., Beatley, 2a., Blackett, 1a., Abbe, o.h., Earle, i.h.
