

New System of Recording Coming Events to be Adopted.

A new scheme will be inaugurated tomorrow in regard to the Student Council date-book, which is a card-catalogue of coming events of general interest to members of the University, kept in the office of the Union for ready reference.

Blank cards will be sent out to the officers of the more important college organizations, on which are to be put the dates of scheduled meetings or lectures, and when these cards have been returned to the Student Council they will be placed on file in the date-book. Organizations which do not receive these cards may get them by applying at the Union office if they have any dates to be field. In order to avoid conflict, no date should be filed without previous reference to the date-book.

During the second half-year the Committee on Organizations of the Student Council will hold office hours in the private office of the Union from 1.30 to 2.30 on week-days and detailed information on the above subject may be obtained at that time.
