


At a meeting of the executive committee of the Student Council held yesterday afternoon, the following members of the Freshman class were nominated for officers under the new plan: for president, C. E. Brickley, J. C. Talbot, W. H. Trumbull, Jr.; for vice-president, F. J. Bradlee, Jr., for T. K. Richards, A. J. Weatherhead, Jr.; for secretary-treasurer, W. H. Claflin, Jr., J. S. Fleek, M. J. Logan.

Nominees for Student Council.

The following men, three of whom will be elected, were also nominated for the Student Council: H. Francke, E. O. Handy, G. W. Merck, M. B. Phillips, E. P. Stone, F. Wigglesworth.

Other nominations may be made signed by 35 members of the class. These petitions must be places in a box for that purpose in the CRIMSON Office before 6 o'clock Tuesday. The voting will be by Australian ballot in the Lodge at the Class of '77 Gate, on Friday from 8.30 A. M. to 5.30 P. M.

Appointments of Managers Approved.


The appointment of R. St.B. Boyd '14, of Dedham, as second assistant hockey manager was approved and also those of G. W. Merck, of Orange, N. J., and J. S. Fleek, of Newark, O., as manager and assistant manager of the Freshman track team.

The following committee from the Junior class was appointed to draw up a list of 150 Juniors to act as Senior advisers next year: A. J. Lowrey, chairman; P. G. M. Austin, R. B. Batchelder, A. M. Goodale, E. A. Graustein, G. H. Roosevelt, H. J. Smith, P. L. Wendell.
